K2 Premier Realty would like to wish everyone a wonderful, safe, and happy Thanksgiving!
When November rolls around each year our first thought of the month is Thanksgiving, a feast, a tradition, what is yours? Over the years many traditions that families remember stand out but let’s be honest, no matter what your traditions are, the most famous, most vibrant, and most remembered must be Thanksgiving. All the family at one, two, or even three tables or more enjoying the largest feast anyone has ever imagined!
When we were children, we were in awe at the sight of so many family members and friends all gathered for this incredible holiday that brings more to the table than just food. We remembered the cold outside and the warmth inside, the smell of all the amazing food we were salivating over for hours. Our parents working not stop to put this all together and people we have not seen in ages but there they are. The football games and amazing parades on tv somehow for the entire day nonstop. The true feeling of family, friendship, and love in one full day that never seemed to end. Now as adults we hold on to those wonderful memories and hope to pass them on to our children so they can do the same for theirs. This is what holidays are about and this is why traditions are so important, especially Thanksgiving.
Yes, it’s about giving thanks for what we have and will receive as the pilgrims did many years ago. Don’t let the hustle and bustle of today stop you from enjoying and taking part in one the most incredible holidays to truly offer a never-ending tradition, Thanksgiving!
Lets all give thanks!
Please click on the images to take you to a few Thanksgiving delights!
Thank you to everyone who supports our website, this holiday, and our brokerage. Have a terrific Thanksgiving!